It can be hard to tell when you or someone you care about has a drinking problem. Someone may never appear intoxicated yet always seem to be drinking. You or a loved one may simply have a wild night every once in a while. Are these signs of a problem? How can you tell if you or a loved one is abusing alcohol? Crestview Recovery’s alcohol rehab center staff near Bingen can give you the answers you’re looking for. Also, they can make it clear just what the signs of alcohol use disorder are and the treatments you or your loved one need.

Alcohol Rehab Center near BingenRecognizing Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder is the clinical term for alcohol abuse or alcoholism. It involves an individual being unable to regulate their consumption of alcohol; they are unable to use alcohol in any kind of moderation. Alcohol use disorder can begin at any time at any age. However, there are some common signs that it has developed or may. Being aware of these risk factors is the first step in getting yourself or your loved one the help needed to prevent alcohol addiction or overcome it.

The first sign of alcohol use disorder is steady drinking over time. Excessive drinking regularly for a long time puts an individual at great risk for dependency. However, binge drinking can also lead to dependency and is just as dangerous type of alcohol abuse.

Be aware of your family history. Alcohol use disorder is higher in individuals with a parent or close relative with problems with alcohol. While no one is genetically fated to abuse alcohol, genetics is a factor that increases an individual’s risk. If you know you have a family history of alcohol use disorder, it may be wise for you to see professional help as a preventative measure.

Mental health issues can lead to alcohol abuse. Individuals may not even be aware they have a mental disorder. However, they do know they are in pain, whether its physical or emotional. This self-medicating is a superficial solution to a deeper problem. Often it makes the underlying issue even more severe. Someone suffering from depression, anxiety disorder, eating disorders, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), or any other mental health issues require dual diagnosis treatment. 

When to Come to Our Alcohol Rehab Center Near Bingen

Often, someone with alcohol use disorder will resist getting treatment. Because they don’t think they have a problem, they don’t see a need for it. While some individuals are in denial about their condition, many are simply ignorant of it. High-functioning alcohol abusers–those who drink excessively and for a long time–may not see a reason to change their habits until it is too late.

Similarly, binge drinkers see their once-in-a-while drinking as normal and harmless over the long-term. However, alcohol abuse is hurting both kinds of drinkers. They need help and treatment. The experts at our alcohol rehab center near Bingen can give you the necessary information to approach and help your friends or family. 

Likewise, if you feel you drink too much, it makes sense to talk with a professional. Denial is common. You may not feel like you have a problem. But others may say otherwise. You may not recognize just how much your drinking is impacting others–your friends and family. Not only do you need to listen to them when they ask you to examine your drinking habits. If you display the signs of alcohol abuse or the risk factors for alcohol use disorder, consider talking with someone. The sooner you or a loved one gets treatment, the sooner they can heal.

Crestview Recovery

It’s difficult to recognize and overcome alcohol use disorder on your own. Many have tried, few have succeeded. Don’t let alcohol abuse control your life. People are waiting to help you when you’re ready. Crestview Recovery’s alcohol rehab center near Bingen can provide the support and the resources you need. Just some of the programs we offer our patients include: 

You don’t have to go through it alone. We can help make getting sober less overwhelming. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol abuse, we can help. Reach out today by calling 866.262.0531 and get the support you need.