Drug and alcohol addiction are some of the most common problems that people experience in the United States. Millions of people suffer from addiction every year and need to seek drug and alcohol treatment. If you are in the Pacific Northwest region and are looking for drug and alcohol rehab resources in Oregon, contact Crestview Recovery. We offer a variety of different alcohol and drug rehab programs that are ideal for those who reside in the state of Oregon. Additionally, we provide a number of rehab services to help you overcome addiction.
Crestview Recovery - Oregon Rehab

Healing Begins Here

Call Crestview Recovery Today. (866)262-0531

Portland’s Most Progressive Vocational Rehab

At Crestview, we understand the importance of teaching the life skills people need to move forward in their lives. Instead of shaming people for not having acquired these skills already, our staff at Crestview takes a proactive and practical approach. We emphasize the following concepts in each of our treatment modalities:

  • Job skills
  • Communication
  • Practical recovery
  • Showing respect
  • Budgeting
rehab resources

Alcohol Treatment Resources in Oregon

Alcoholism causes many difficulties in an individual’s life. It can affect their health, job, and relationships with their family and friends. Alcohol addiction can affect people at any age, from young college students to adults. Alcoholism causes irreversible damage when it is left untreated. If you or a loved one is addicted to alcohol, you may need to seek rehab resources.

Our alcohol addiction rehab facility at Crestview Recovery is essential for those struggling with alcohol addiction near Portland. We offer drug and alcohol rehab programs near the following areas:


Face Addiction By Attending Residential Treatment

The mental, physical, and emotional consequences of addiction are best approached in a residential setting. As the body adapts to the constant presence of alcohol, people lose track of their family, work, health, and physical appearance. When a person stops using alcohol, the body will have to readjust itself back to functioning without alcohol. Our counselors at Crestview believe in recovery because they have experienced it firsthand.

Psychological Signs of Addiction

The psychological signs of addiction refer to a person’s mental state. Psychoactive chemicals change our brain chemistry causing social withdrawal and other behavior changes. Just like physical signs, psychological signs will also be apparent once you stop using. The symptoms may at times be severe depending on the dosage and frequency of consumption. That is why people should stop their drug use gradually. It is even more beneficial to try and stop drug use at a certified mental health facility. Some common signs of addiction include:

The more a person uses a drug, the more the body becomes familiar with the drugs. It reaches a point where a person has to take higher doses of the drug to feel its effects. At this point, we say that such a person has a tolerance to the drugs. This may indicate that they are developing an addiction.

It is difficult to come to terms with the harmful realities of a drug that causes such intense feelings of relief. They convince themselves that they are still in control of their habits. This is not always the case. It is just a means of reassuring themselves.

If a drug user becomes depressed or overly anxious when they don’t take drugs, it is a red flag. This is a sign that they are slowly becoming addicts. Abstaining from drug use triggers feelings of anxiety or sometimes depression.

Some drugs can make you lose your appetite. Others will heighten your appetite. If a drug user experiences these variations frequently when they are drug-free, it may be a sign of addiction.

The addiction treatment programs at Crestview Recovery offer a number of ways for individuals to overcome their addiction near or around their home in Oregon. For example, we offer access to alcoholics anonymous programs and the original 12-step recovery program. Programs like these help individuals who are suffering from alcoholism undergo a real change in their lives by holding them accountable for their actions. Additionally, engaging in a support group for addiction recovery helps our clients know that they are not alone. It also helps them make new friends and form new and healthy relationships during rehab.


Residential Treatment for Addiction

At Crestview Recovery, we also offer therapy and treatment sessions including:

At our Oregon rehab center, we use each of these treatment methods to help our clients achieve the best chance of overcoming addiction.

Medication Management Resources in Portland, Oregon

If you find yourself addicted to opioids, a suboxone or methadone clinic may be the answer you are looking for. While medication-assisted treatment is not a cure for addiction, it can help people take care of the responsibilities and live more meaningful lives. While these medications are addictive themselves, they are a viable alternative for someone with treatment-resistant addiction. To help those who suffer from drug abuse, Crestview Recovery offers drug rehab resources to clients coming from the following parts of Oregon:

Find an AA Meeting in Portland

At Crestview, we offer the resources to help people stay sober. We encourage all of our graduates to continue attending meetings because it is healthy to be around people who are committed to their recovery. Our drug addiction rehab facilities are located in downtown Portland. We offer people the chance to live a healthy life without alcohol or drugs. We do this by giving each of our clients an individualized treatment program that works specifically for them. This gives them the best chance to overcome drug addiction. Crestview Recovery is able to help our clients understand why they use substances. In rehab, we help them form new habits and give them a support system along the way.

We offer many different resources for those who suffer from drug addiction and want to enter into rehab in Oregon. For instance, our residential program can help you manage and establish positive routines and habits as you go through rehab. Additionally, our drug and alcohol rehab staff helps to give you the support and care you need to create a new healthy lifestyle that is free from drugs and alcohol.

Inpatient Mental Health Treatment

The Background of the 12 Steps

In the past, the 12-step program often took on a religious connotation. Because it mentions the presence of a divine power, many people now worry that you have to be a believer to participate. This isn’t the case. In fact, it’s possible for atheists, agnostics, and non-religious people to adopt the teachings of the program. The 12-step program is meant to be as inclusive as possible; anyone who wants to get sober can use the 12 steps to help them in their recovery.

The 12 Steps Explained

The list of steps is not something that takes you from addiction to healing through a stay at rehab. Instead, its designers intended the list to be a lifelong guideline for continued sobriety. The original steps combine declarations with decisions and hands-on actions.

  • Step one: There’s an admission of powerlessness when it comes to drug use.
  • Step two: The participant expresses a belief in a higher power that can assist with healing.
  • Step three: Next, the person chooses to surrender to this higher power.
  • Step four: People journal or otherwise collect a moral inventory that doesn’t sugarcoat anything.
  • Step five: You have the opportunity to confess specific wrongs to the higher power and someone in your life.
  • Step six: Program participants express a readiness to have the higher power heal them.
  • Step seven: Now, they communicate with the higher power to express their desires.
  • Step eight: To communicate sorrow for wronging others, people list those who suffered because of them.
  • Step nine: They will try to apologize unless doing so would create more harm than healing for the other person.
  • Step ten: In the process, you learn to take responsibility quickly for situations and apologize as needed to the people involved.
  • Step eleven: Meditation and prayer assist with grounding oneself and remaining in contact with the higher power.
  • Step twelve: Finally, the principles of the 12 Steps permeate all aspects of life; you help others in recovery to heal as well via these steps.

Incorporating the Steps Into Residential Drug Treatment

When you’re struggling with substance use, the 12 steps can make a significant difference in your life. For this reason, Portland residential and inpatient treatment programs combine them with other addiction treatment programs such as:

  • Dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring mental health conditions
  • Psychotherapy that might include cognitive behavioral therapy or acceptance and commitment therapy
  • Grief and loss counseling to identify and deal with stressors that could lead to drug abuse
  • Experiential treatment that might consist of expressive arts
  • Relapse prevention education and counseling
  • Process groups and individual therapy

Crestview Recovery Is Portland’s Most Progressive Drug Treatment Program

If you or a loved one is suffering from drug or alcohol abuse and needs to seek rehab, call Crestview Recovery today at a href=”tel:8662620531” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>(866)262-0531. We offer rehab and other types of drug and alcoholism treatment to clients across the state of Oregon. Take the first step to get help today and get you or your loved one on the path to recovery.

Oregon Rehab Resources

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