Anxiety Treatment in Covid-19

Anxiety Treatment in COVID-19

Anxiety disorders affect millions of people across the U.S. Experiencing anxiety in this uncertain time, when coronavirus continues to spread around the country, potentially results in worsening anxiety among people with an anxiety disorder. Professionals are also seeing new cases of individuals with anxiety, leading to more people needing individualized anxiety treatment in COVID-19.  You…

Common Types of Anxiety Disorders

Common Types of Anxiety Disorders

Every person on the planet gets anxious sometimes. From an evolutionary perspective, a certain amount of anxiety helps keep us alive. However, excessive, persistent, irrational nervousness about everyday situations is a dominant force in nearly every aspect of their lives for people with anxiety disorders. Types of anxiety disorders include the following: Generalized anxiety disorder…

insomnia during recovery

Dealing with Insomnia During Recovery

Being unable to sleep is one of the most frustrating dilemmas faced by people in early recovery. People who have become reliant on drugs and alcohol to fall asleep often find that sleep is impossible. Whether you are in a residential treatment center or even outpatient drug addiction therapy, insomnia is one of the main difficulties…

benefits of stress management

Benefits of Stress Management

The ability to effectively manage stress makes an incredible difference in people’s lives. While you may consider nervousness to be part of your personality, it should not be controlling your life. Some people are able to use small amounts of alcohol and drugs during stressful times without consequences, but that doesn’t work for everyone.  If…

signs of an anxiety attack to watch for addiction prevention

The Signs of an Anxiety Attack to Watch for Addiction Prevention

Having anxiety can feel like a prison that prevents people from experiencing all the joys life has to offer. While everyone gets anxious occasionally, a person with an anxiety disorder is profoundly impacted by feelings of anxiousness that pervade many aspects of their life. Drugs like benzodiazepines can provide immediate relief of the symptoms of…

Types of Mental Illness

Types of Mental Illness

Mental illness is something that affects people everywhere. No age, race, religion, gender, or socioeconomic status is immune. While you can’t always tell which types of mental health disorders Portland, Oregon residents deal with most, it is helpful to learn about the types of mental illness and mental health treatments that exist. What Is Mental…