The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) website provides a convenient search feature that allows individuals to find meetings in their area. Users can enter their location, such as city or ZIP code, and get a list of nearby meetings.
Many regions have a local AA hotline or intergroup office that can provide information about meeting locations and schedules. These offices are typically staffed by volunteers who are knowledgeable about local meetings.
Doctors, therapists, or addiction counselors may have information about AA meetings in the area; they can provide recommendations based on the individual’s needs.
Many community centers, libraries, and churches have bulletin boards where AA meeting schedules are posted.
Hospitals or addiction treatment centers may hold AA meetings on their premises or have information about nearby meetings. Some alcohol and drug rehabs in Portland, like Crestview Recovery, may also help you find a meeting after treatment.
There are various mobile apps and online directories that list AA meetings by location. This allows individuals to find meetings easily on their smartphones or computers.
If the person knows someone who attends AA meetings, they can ask for guidance in finding meetings in their area.

Healing Begins Here
Types of AA Meetings in Portland, Oregon

Open meetings welcome not only individuals who have a drinking problem but also non-alcoholics who are interested in learning about AA. These meetings may be attended by healthcare professionals, students, family members, or anyone curious about the AA program.
Closed meetings are exclusive to individuals who have a desire to stop drinking. Attendance is limited to those who identify as alcoholics.
In discussion meetings, a topic related to recovery, the AA program, or alcoholism is introduced; attendees share their thoughts and experiences on the subject. This format encourages group interaction and participation.
At speaker meetings, a member with long-term sobriety shares their personal experience, strength, and hope in recovery. Other attendees listen and gain inspiration from the speaker’s journey.
Step meetings focus on working through the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Participants discuss their progress in working the steps and how it has influenced their sobriety.
These meetings involve a detailed study and discussion of AA’s primary text, “Alcoholics Anonymous” (commonly known as the Big Book). Members explore the program’s principles and how they apply to their lives.
Tradition meetings delve into AA’s Twelve Traditions, which provide guidelines for the group’s unity and functioning. Discussions may revolve around how these principles govern the organization of AA.
Meditation or reflection meetings offer a quiet and contemplative atmosphere where attendees can focus on their spirituality and sobriety.
Beginner’s meetings are specifically designed for newcomers to AA. These meetings provide an introduction to the program, answer questions, and offer support to those new to recovery.
Young people’s meetings cater to individuals in their teens and twenties. They offer a space for young adults to relate to each other’s challenges and experiences in recovery.
Some AA meetings are gender-specific, with separate groups for men and women. These meetings provide a safe and comfortable environment for sharing more personal experiences.

What Happens During AA Meetings in Portland, Oregon?
Participants may discuss their progress, challenges, or any topic related to recovery. The meeting concludes with a closing statement or prayer, emphasizing unity and support. When you go to an AA meeting in Portland, you can expect a warm and welcoming atmosphere. This environment is a judgment-free zone where you can feel comfortable sharing or simply listening. Whether newcomers or long-time members, everyone is encouraged to attend, participate, and find support in their journey to lasting sobriety.
How Long Are AA Meetings?
Can You Bring Friends or Family to AA?
Family and friends may not attend closed meetings of AA. This is because AA needs to provide privacy and anonymity for its members. Welcoming people who just want to visit or sit in on meetings could be potentially harmful to the purpose of AA. So before you bring someone to AA for support, be sure to find out the type of meeting you’re attending.

Do You Get Sobriety Chips in AA?
When Do You Get Sobriety Chips in AA?
The system starts with the first 24 hours of sobriety. During this time, a newcomer receives a “24-hour chip” as a sign of encouragement for taking the initial step toward recovery. After that, chips are awarded at monthly intervals, with each month signifying another accomplishment in maintaining sobriety.
What is the Purpose of Sobriety Chips in AA?
The purpose of a sobriety chip is to recognize and celebrate an individual’s commitment to abstaining from alcohol. Encouraging others to stay on the path of recovery and providing a tangible reminder of their progress is imperative. These chips serve as symbols of hope, inspiration, and a sense of achievement; they motivate members to continue their efforts in Alcoholics Anonymous and maintain their dedication to living a sober life.
Are There Online AA Meetings?
Online meetings are effective in providing support and encouraging individuals to stay sober. Another thing they have in common with in-person meetings is that they last for about one hour. You can find an online meeting via AA apps.
How Does AA Help You Stay Sober?
Peer Support: AA meetings provide a supportive environment where individuals can connect with others who understand their struggles with alcoholism. Being part of a community that shares similar experiences can be immensely encouraging and helps reduce feelings of isolation.
Accountability: Regular attendance at AA meetings creates a sense of accountability. Sharing their progress and challenges with the group motivates individuals to stay committed to their sobriety goals.
Tools and Techniques: AA provides tools and techniques to cope with cravings, stress, and triggers that may lead to relapse. Members learn from each other’s experiences and gain valuable insights into managing their alcohol addiction.
Sponsorship: AA encourages members to have a sponsor, an experienced member who offers guidance, support, and encouragement. Sponsors provide one-on-one assistance, sharing their journey and helping newcomers work through the Twelve Steps of AA.
Coping Strategies: AA meetings offer a safe space to discuss emotions and experiences related to recovery. Learning from others’ coping strategies helps individuals develop healthy ways to deal with challenges without resorting to alcohol.
Sense of Purpose: Being part of AA gives individuals a sense of purpose and belonging. Helping others in the group reinforces their commitment to sobriety and strengthens their recovery.
Get Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Crestview Recovery
- Residential addiction treatment
- Intensive outpatient treatment
- Partial hospitalization program
- Outpatient addiction treatment
- Dual diagnosis treatment
Our compassionate team at Crestview will develop an individualized treatment plan for you or your loved one. We understand that addiction varies from person to person. We can promise that all of our residents receive care that is personalized for them; individualized treatment is the cornerstone of everything we do at Crestview Recovery Center in Portland, Oregon. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you overcome alcohol addiction.