Drug and alcohol addiction is a rampant problem among individuals living in the United States. Drug trends ebb and flow, but addiction rates remain high. If you suffer from substance addiction in the Pacific NW, our Portland drug and alcohol rehab center at Crestview Recovery can help. Though options are limited in the area, one quality addiction treatment program can put you on the road to true recovery.

Healing Begins Here

Call Crestview Recovery Today. (866)262-0531

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a complicated disease that affects millions. It causes the user to experience chronic and compulsive urges to find and abuse a substance for its mind-altering outcome. These urges are so powerful that many users risk their relationships, finances, and even freedom for the opportunity to use.

One of the problems with addiction is that extended abuse results in withdrawal when the individual tries to quit. Longtime use of a particular substance changes the way the brain functions. Over time, this use tricks the brain into thinking it needs the drug to feel “normal.” When people suddenly stop or reduce their use, the brain responds by going into withdrawal mode.

Withdrawal symptoms can be quite unpleasant for the user, but they’re normally not life-threatening. However, heavier drugs like heroin and meth can result in a more intense withdrawal compared to a marijuana withdrawal.

Symptoms differ from drug to drug with varying degrees of severity. In general, withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fever, chills, and night sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Abdominal pain
  • A headache, runny nose, and other flu-like symptoms

Withdrawal can feel chaotic for the user, but a holistic drug rehab center in Portland can help individuals manage their symptoms.


What Does Rehab Entail?

There are thousands of rehab facilities across the country, but each one offers its own unique approach to treatment. Unfortunately, some Portland drug rehabilitation facilities aren’t capable of providing the individualized treatment that clients need to conquer their addictions. A quality Portland drug rehabilitation center uses a powerful collaboration of programs and services to produce lasting results. Ideally, this should include invaluable services like detox at a partner facility, personalized treatment, and therapy with a trained psychologist.

Detox is the safest and most effective when a medical professional oversees the process. At a residential detox facility, rehab specialists are on hand to monitor patient progress and help to ease symptoms of withdrawal. Finding the right medical detox will allow you to avoid the most severe symptoms of withdrawal.

Individualized treatment is far more helpful for recovery than a generalized program. Users’ experiences with substance addiction shape their needs. To truly win the battle against substance use, individuals need treatment that addresses their specific requirements. Therapy provides individuals the chance to identify and talk through the personal issues that weigh them down. This is especially important since recovery is just as much an emotional transformation as it is a physical one. For rehab to be successful, users must develop a healthier and more positive mindset.

Beat Addiction with Portland Drug Rehab

If you’re ready to commit to getting clean, Crestview Recovery in Portland, Oregon, has the treatment tools you need. Both our men’s rehab program and women’s drug rehab program opportunities are among the best in the Pacific Northwest. We offer:

  • Outpatient drug rehab center: You don’t have to put your life on hold to recover from addiction. With our outpatient drug rehab center, you can get the treatment you need while still taking care of your responsibilities at home and work.
  • Intensive outpatient program: If you need more structure than our outpatient program offers, our intensive outpatient program (IOP) may be a better fit. IOP is a step down from inpatient treatment, but more intense than traditional outpatient care.
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP): Should you need more support than what our outpatient drug rehab center can provide, we also offer a partial hospitalization program. This program provides intensive treatment during the day, with evenings and nights free for you to return home.
  • Dual diagnosis treatment program: If you’re struggling with addiction and a mental health disorder, our dual diagnosis treatment program can help. We treat the whole person, not just the addiction.
  • Individual therapy services: You’ll also have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a therapist or counselor. This is a chance to really dive deep and work on the issues that are driving your addiction.
  • Trauma therapy program: Many people who struggle with addiction have also suffered trauma in the past. If this sounds like you, we offer a comprehensive trauma therapy program to help you heal and learn coping skills that will help you avoid turning to drugs or alcohol in times of stress.

Complete Rejuvenation with Portland Drug Rehabilitation

Don’t delay seeking help for your substance use problem. Instead, choose Crestview Recovery in Portland, Oregon for your addiction treatment and minimize your risk of relapse. By undergoing a combination of detox at our partner facility, personalized treatment, and therapy, you can increase your chance of achieving total rehabilitation. (866)262-0531 to learn more about this fantastic opportunity.

Portland Drug Rehab

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