An example of purple drank

What is Purple Drank?

In the early 2000s, purple drank gained widespread popularity in the United States, particularly among hip-hop and rap communities. This was due to its frequent mentions in popular music as well as high-profile celebrity endorsements. In addition, a number of media reports ran stories about celebrities’ use of the drink, giving it more attention and…

Man experiencing the effects of cocaine use

Effects of Cocaine Use

Cocaine is a schedule II drug that physicians occasionally prescribe for its stimulant properties. Users may abuse cocaine for its rapid-onset high, but there are also several adverse effects of cocaine. These effects are physical and psychological, and they can be both long and short-term. Do you need to know more about cocaine addiction rehab?…

A glass of purple drank that hints at the effects of purple drank

What Are the Effects of Purple Drank?

Purple drank, also known as “lean,” is both an addictive and harmful drug cocktail. It can lead to long-term dependency, dangerous behavioral changes, and significant side effects. While purple drank is commonly consumed in social settings, it is important to understand the main purple drank effects. Unlike other highly addictive and illegal drug habits, purple…