A needle and spoonful of heroin beg the question is heroin a narcotic

Is Heroin a Narcotic?

Heroin is one of the most addictive and dangerous substances on the planet. Each year, millions of individuals experiment with and develop a dependency on this drug. For some, it’s the start of the worst experience of their lives. Heroin addiction is a devastating condition. If you or a loved one depends on heroin to…

a male holding a glass of alcohol thinking about how to stop alcohol addiction

How to Stop Alcohol Addiction

Knowing how to stop alcohol addiction isn’t always easy, and many people don’t know where to start. Not only is the person struggling, but the whole family suffers as well. Addiction is a powerful disease that can completely change a person and tear families apart. For many, it doesn’t make sense how a person can…

man holding a bottle is exhibiting the stages of alcoholism

The Stages of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a serious illness that requires medical attention and treatment. Just like many other types of diagnosable diseases, there are varying stages of alcoholism. Being able to identify these stages can help you, or someone you love, receive the right kind of treatment for recovery. Learn about Battle Ground alcohol rehab center programs for…

alcoholic woman sitting at home wonders is alcoholism a disease

Is Alcoholism a Disease?

In years past, alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder, was sometimes considered to be a moral defect, a choice or a character flaw. Today, an increasing number of people are asking the question, “Is alcoholism a disease?” More and more, research suggests that the answer to that question is a resounding yes. Alcohol treatment at the…

woman sits down with doctor to learn how to stop using drugs safely

How to Stop Using Drugs Safely

Deciding to stop using drugs is a significant and courageous choice. However, quitting cold turkey can actually be more harmful in some cases. Learning how to stop using drugs the safe way is the first step in recovery. At the Blaine drug rehab center in Oregon, stopping drug use safely starts with medical detox. Pain…

young woman sitting at home thinking about relapse prevention techniques

Relapse Prevention Techniques

Now that you’re on the right track for recovery from drugs, you don’t want anything to get in your way. While it’s admirable any time someone completes a rehab program and quits doing a substance, there is still the chance of relapsing. Many people do relapse initially before they go on to a complete recovery.…

woman opening up curtains to watch sunrise knowing drug and alcohol rehab works

How Drug and Alcohol Rehab Works

Fear of the unknown keeps many people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction from seeking drug and alcohol treatment in Oregon. How can they be sure that a rehab facility will work for them? What happens day to day during an inpatient stay? What can be done to make the process more effective? These are…

teenage girl with depression visits counsellor to learn how to quit opiates for the long term

How to Quit Opiates for the Long Term

If you want to know how to quit opiates for the long term, you’re certainly not alone. As many as 36 million people are addicted to opioid drugs around the world. However, there is hope for recovery at the opiate addiction rehab center in Oregon. Start regaining control over your life and health by learning…

man in an alley wondering what is relapse prevention

What Is Relapse Prevention?

Crestview Recovery is a full-service substance use treatment center in Portland, Oregon, and serves clients from the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Our inpatient and outpatient programs help you break the cycle of addiction. “What is relapse prevention?” is one of the many questions we answer and give you the tools to explore. What Is Relapse…