When did you first start using heroin? Were you trying to replace the high you got from your opioid medications that your doctor prescribed? Did you try it at a high school party, surrounded by friends or people you didn’t even know? Everyone’s story is different, but they are all the same in one respect: anyone who struggles with a heroin addiction needs treatment. If you’re looking for a heroin rehab center near Redmond consider contacting Crestview Recovery. We offer individualized treatment and unparalleled care for each person who walks through our doors. To learn more about our heroin addiction treatment program, contact Crestview today. 

Why Should You Look For Individualized Care at a Heroin Rehab Center?a group of people talk at a heroin rehab center near Redmond

When you go to other heroin rehab centers, you’re just a number on a spreadsheet. You get the same treatment the facility gives to every other person at the center. This treatment may meet your needs in some respects, but in others, you find yourself needing more. 

However, when you find a heroin rehab center near Redmond that offers individualized care, the staff members treat you like a person. They understand that your story is unique. Maybe you need mental health treatment in addition to substance use treatment. Maybe your familial relationships can be best described as rocky, and you want to fix that. At Crestview, we take your concerns into account. We will work with you to create a treatment plan that addresses your individual requirements. Then, we help you plan for the next steps in your life. There are several aspects we take into account as we work on formulating your treatment. 

 Therapeutic Methods

At another heroin rehab center, you might find the therapy options limiting. At Crestview, we proudly offer a variety of both holistic and evidence-based therapies. Evidence-based therapies are therapeutic methods that experts in the field have researched extensively. As a result, we have verifiable proof that these methods can effectively treat addiction. In addition to these proven methods, we also provide a range of holistic therapeutic treatments. We design these treatment programs so that they can treat your mind, body, and soul, all of which addiction has tainted. A combination of both of these therapies gives you the best possible chance of beating your addiction once and for all. Our treatment options include:

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

In many cases, people who struggle with addiction to drugs or alcohol also struggle with a mental illness. When you come to our heroin rehab center near Redmond, our expert admissions staff will screen you for a mental disorder, such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD. If you struggle with one of these issues, they may recommend that you enroll in dual diagnosis treatment. 

Dual diagnosis treatment simply means that we treat both your mental illness and your substance use problem at the same time. We know that when you stop self-medicating your mental illness, your symptoms will come back. If you don’t know how to manage them without drugs or alcohol, you may succumb to them, and relapse. However, in dual diagnosis treatment, we give you the tools you need to withstand those symptoms. 

Get Treatment at Crestview

At Crestview, we’re committed to your treatment. At our heroin rehab center near Redmond, we want to give you the best care possible. Therefore, we offer a wide range of treatment options, including:

  • Heroin detox
  • Inpatient treatment
  • PHP treatment
  • Intensive outpatient treatment
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Aftercare

To learn more about the programs at our heroin rehab center near Redmond, or to enroll in treatment, contact Crestview Recovery today at 866.262.0531