Addiction recovery doesn’t happen overnight. The process is different for everyone and usually requires longer than a few weeks or even a month. For those who need a little bit longer to feel confident in their sobriety, extended care addiction treatment after residential treatment is a viable option.

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Portland Sober Living

If people were able to simply quit doing drugs for themselves or their loved ones, they would. Unfortunately, the only people who stay clean are the people who have access to daily reminders that being in recovery is worth it. Attending a sober living program after treatment is an excellent segue back into normal life. Most addictions are both physical and psychological. Even when someone goes through a detox program and rids their system of drugs or alcohol, they may still suffer psychological cravings. This is one of the main reasons patients go through rehab programs that include counseling followed by a good sober living program.

There’s no perfect formula for an addiction treatment program. Everyone responds differently to different types of treatment. Some may feel confident in their sobriety within 30 days, while others might need to go through different levels of care spanning the course of a year. Recovery is much stronger when individuals start with a solid foundation.

Marijuana Addiction

Benefits of Our Portland Drug Treatment Program

Extended care substance use treatment offers individuals struggling with addiction the time and space needed to achieve recovery. Those who choose extended care treatment can benefit in the following ways:

  • Accountability – Longer programs give individuals an extended period of time to be held accountable for their actions. Those spending only a couple of weeks in rehab and then immediately go back to daily life run a higher risk of relapse. 24/7 accountability and structure make it much easier to stay sober.
  • Increased education – Spending more time in group therapy and individual counseling provides more time to learn about addiction. The better those with addictions understand their disease, the easier it is for them to overcome them. Additionally, patients have the opportunity to learn more coping skills, reducing the chances of relapse.
  • Longer time to heal – Addiction takes a huge toll mentally and physically on the body. Medical supervision and more time with counselors can help patients heal. It also gives them a space to repair familial relationships that may have suffered as a result of their addiction.

How to Choose the Right Sober Living Program

At Crestview Recovery, we offer extended care programs lasting between 30–90 days. This gives you the flexibility to decide what will work best for your recovery. Moreover, we don’t expect you to make the decision 100% on your own. Your assigned counselor will work with you to decide how long you should stay, and what types of addiction therapy services will be most beneficial for your needs.

Some of these treatment options may include:


How Do I Tell Someone They Need Drug Treatment?

If possible, choose a time when the person is not drinking or using drugs. Tell them that you need to talk to them about something serious. Once you have their attention and willingness to listen, explain to them that you are worried. It’s fine to get into the details of their problem, such as how long it has been going on, your own role in their addiction, their legal troubles, health issues, and the issues it has caused for them. Explain that, while you could never fully understand their problem, you know they are suffering. You can also explain to your loved one that residential drug treatment to get through it. If they are willing to attend a Portland drug treatment program, Crestview offers truly excellent residential addiction treatment.

Recovery Starts Today

Don’t let your drug addiction control your life for another day. When you’re ready to get sober, contact Crestview Recovery at (866)262-0531 to discuss your sober living options. Our qualified staff will be happy to guide you on the road to recovery.

Extended Care Addiction Treatment

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