Beating Alcoholism

It’s easy to get discouraged if you’ve struggled with drug and alcohol addiction. Despite a deep desire to quit using, you always end up right back where you started. Beating alcoholism, or any kind of addiction, involves more than simply quitting. It takes a combination of therapies and programs to fully overcome addiction and move on.

What Alcohol Dependency Looks Like

No one starts out hoping they’ll develop a drinking problem. They might have a glass or two of wine to relax after a long week at work. Over time, instead of drinking only on weekends, they add in a couple of days per week. Then, they’re unable to stop at two glasses. They regularly drink a bottle all by themselves.

The end result of alcohol abuse is often addiction. Without treatment, beating alcoholism on your own is incredibly difficult. You might really want to quit, but with addiction, you’re no longer in control. Professional help can help you get to the bottom of the problem in order to overcome it.

Tips on Beating Alcoholism

If you’ve tried to quit drinking before, only to relapse days or weeks later, then you know firsthand that beating alcoholism isn’t easy. Quitting is just part of it. But if you don’t know why you continue to drink, you’ll keep fighting this same battle.

To truly get sober and stay that way, look into rehab centers. There, you can get comprehensive treatment that addresses underlying issues and your lack of healthy coping techniques. Other things you need to do to maintain your sobriety include:

  • Surround yourself with sober friends and family; you may have to cut some toxic influences off
  • Go to support group meetings as needed
  • Live a healthy life full of physical activity and a well-rounded eating plan; the better you feel about yourself, the less you’ll feel the need to drink
  • Recognize your unique triggers and avoid them when possible; otherwise, have a plan in place to deal with them
  • Take things one day at a time; this is less overwhelming than thinking about being sober for the rest of your life

Crestview Will Guide You Toward Long-term Recovery

Crestview Recovery in Portland, Oregon is an addiction treatment facility that offers a range of programs. We serve the Pacific Northwest region, where residents have few options for effective addiction care. With individualized treatment, we give clients an excellent chance at long-term recovery and beating alcoholism.

Our addiction treatment programs include:

If you or a loved one are ready to take a big step toward sobriety, call Crestview Recovery today at 8662620531. Our supportive team will give you the tools and skills you need to navigate recovery one step at a time. It’s time to take control of your life back from addiction.

Beating Alcoholism

It's easy to get discouraged if you've struggled with drug and alcohol addiction. Despite a deep desire to quit using, you always end up right back where you started. Beating alcoholism, or any kind of addiction, involves more than simply quitting. It takes a combination of therapies and programs to fully overcome addiction and move on.

What Alcohol Dependency Looks Like

No one starts out hoping they'll develop a drinking problem. They might have a glass or two of wine to relax after a long week at work. Over time, instead of drinking only on weekends, they add in a couple of days per week. Then, they're unable to stop at two glasses. They regularly drink a bottle all by themselves.

The end result of alcohol abuse is often addiction. Without treatment, beating alcoholism on your own is incredibly difficult. You might really want to quit, but with addiction, you're no longer in control. Professional help can help you get to the bottom of the problem in order to overcome it.

Tips on Beating Alcoholism

If you've tried to quit drinking before, only to relapse days or weeks later, then you know firsthand that beating alcoholism isn't easy. Quitting is just part of it. But if you don't know why you continue to drink, you'll keep fighting this same battle.

To truly get sober and stay that way, look into rehab centers. There, you can get comprehensive treatment that addresses underlying issues and your lack of healthy coping techniques. Other things you need to do to maintain your sobriety include:

  • Surround yourself with sober friends and family; you may have to cut some toxic influences off
  • Go to support group meetings as needed
  • Live a healthy life full of physical activity and a well-rounded eating plan; the better you feel about yourself, the less you'll feel the need to drink
  • Recognize your unique triggers and avoid them when possible; otherwise, have a plan in place to deal with them
  • Take things one day at a time; this is less overwhelming than thinking about being sober for the rest of your life

Crestview Will Guide You Toward Long-term Recovery

Crestview Recovery in Portland, Oregon is an addiction treatment facility that offers a range of programs. We serve the Pacific Northwest region, where residents have few options for effective addiction care. With individualized treatment, we give clients an excellent chance at long-term recovery and beating alcoholism.

Our addiction treatment programs include:

If you or a loved one are ready to take a big step toward sobriety, call Crestview Recovery today at 8662620531. Our supportive team will give you the tools and skills you need to navigate recovery one step at a time. It's time to take control of your life back from addiction.

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