Can You Become Addicted to AntiDepressants

Clinical depression is a serious condition that causes you to always feel sad or apathetic. As a result, the lasting sorrow makes getting out of bed and living difficult. Given that, your doctor has likely prescribed pills called antidepressants. Presently, the CDC reports that 11 percent of teens and adults take antidepressants. If you’re one of them, then you may ask yourself, can you become addicted to antidepressants?

To clarify, antidepressants are oral medicines that relieve the dark cloud of unhappiness. Namely, they’re known as SSRIs or SNRIs for altering how the brain uses a chemical called serotonin. For example, popular brand names are Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, and Lexapro. Of course, they’re effective at brightening your mood when used correctly. However, it’s possible, yet rare, to get hooked on them like other drugs.

How Can You Become Addicted to Antidepressants

Unlike Valium or Xanax, your body doesn’t build up a tolerance to antidepressants. In other words, long term use won’t require bigger and bigger doses. Nonetheless, there’s a small risk that you’ll become dependent. Specifically, your brain will need the pills to process serotonin properly. Whenever that’s the case, finding an antidepressant addiction rehab center is important.

Furthermore, antidepressant addiction happens when you’re unable to stop without withdrawal. Subsequently, your body reacts angrily when you skip an antidepressant dose. Frequently, addicts describe withdrawal as flu-like. In particular, you may start sweating, vomiting, crying, and hurting everywhere. Hence, you’re persuaded to stay on antidepressants to avoid that pain.

Signs You’ve Become Addicted to Antidepressants

Again, we say yes to can you become addicted to antidepressants and there are many red flags. For instance, you might experience fast mood changes, paranoia, or hallucinated thoughts. Likewise, you could develop a tremor and experience dizziness. You’ll also exhibit other common addiction symptoms, including:

  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Forgetting bathing and hygiene
  • Slurring words and stuttering
  • Skipping meals or overeating
  • Withdrawing from loved ones
  • Avoiding activities and hobbies

Sometimes, higher antidepressant doses even make people contemplate suicide. In effect, you could start seeking pleasure through other, more risky drugs. Indeed, the risk of switching to painkillers, cocaine, and heroin for a “high” is high. Plus, taking antidepressants and drinking alcohol is a dangerous combination.

Get Help Quitting Antidepressant Abuse at Crestview

Having trouble stopping your antidepressant doses? Then, Crestview Recovery wants to lend an experienced hand. Markedly, our Portland addiction rehab employs masters-level therapists committed to custom care. Thus, we offer a spectrum of quality substance use services covered by most insurances. In fact, our dual diagnosis program is perfect for treating depression and prescription misuse together. We have various holistic treatments, such as:

Now, you know the answer to can you become addicted to antidepressants. Therefore, only take what doctors prescribe and watch for signs of dependence. Don’t let your addiction spiral out of control. Instead, come to Crestview Recovery for judgment-free drug therapy. Right away, call 8662620531 to learn more about our affordable services.

Can You Become Addicted to AntiDepressants

Clinical depression is a serious condition that causes you to always feel sad or apathetic. As a result, the lasting sorrow makes getting out of bed and living difficult. Given that, your doctor has likely prescribed pills called antidepressants. Presently, the CDC reports that 11 percent of teens and adults take antidepressants. If you're one of them, then you may ask yourself, can you become addicted to antidepressants?

To clarify, antidepressants are oral medicines that relieve the dark cloud of unhappiness. Namely, they're known as SSRIs or SNRIs for altering how the brain uses a chemical called serotonin. For example, popular brand names are Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, and Lexapro. Of course, they're effective at brightening your mood when used correctly. However, it's possible, yet rare, to get hooked on them like other drugs.

How Can You Become Addicted to Antidepressants

Unlike Valium or Xanax, your body doesn't build up a tolerance to antidepressants. In other words, long term use won't require bigger and bigger doses. Nonetheless, there's a small risk that you'll become dependent. Specifically, your brain will need the pills to process serotonin properly. Whenever that's the case, finding an antidepressant addiction rehab center is important.

Furthermore, antidepressant addiction happens when you're unable to stop without withdrawal. Subsequently, your body reacts angrily when you skip an antidepressant dose. Frequently, addicts describe withdrawal as flu-like. In particular, you may start sweating, vomiting, crying, and hurting everywhere. Hence, you're persuaded to stay on antidepressants to avoid that pain.

Signs You've Become Addicted to Antidepressants

Again, we say yes to can you become addicted to antidepressants and there are many red flags. For instance, you might experience fast mood changes, paranoia, or hallucinated thoughts. Likewise, you could develop a tremor and experience dizziness. You'll also exhibit other common addiction symptoms, including:

  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Forgetting bathing and hygiene
  • Slurring words and stuttering
  • Skipping meals or overeating
  • Withdrawing from loved ones
  • Avoiding activities and hobbies

Sometimes, higher antidepressant doses even make people contemplate suicide. In effect, you could start seeking pleasure through other, more risky drugs. Indeed, the risk of switching to painkillers, cocaine, and heroin for a "high" is high. Plus, taking antidepressants and drinking alcohol is a dangerous combination.

Get Help Quitting Antidepressant Abuse at Crestview

Having trouble stopping your antidepressant doses? Then, Crestview Recovery wants to lend an experienced hand. Markedly, our Portland addiction rehab employs masters-level therapists committed to custom care. Thus, we offer a spectrum of quality substance use services covered by most insurances. In fact, our dual diagnosis program is perfect for treating depression and prescription misuse together. We have various holistic treatments, such as:

Now, you know the answer to can you become addicted to antidepressants. Therefore, only take what doctors prescribe and watch for signs of dependence. Don't let your addiction spiral out of control. Instead, come to Crestview Recovery for judgment-free drug therapy. Right away, call 8662620531 to learn more about our affordable services.

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