If you are married to a recovering addict, you have likely experienced a range of emotions such as anger, sadness, and confusion. You may be overwhelmed by the stress and worry associated with your loved one’s addiction. We know that every situation is different, but we can assist you in navigating through these difficult times with more clarity and understanding.

If you or your spouse is struggling with addiction, help is available at our addiction treatment center in Oregon. Don’t hesitate to get the help you need today!


Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences. It is characterized by intense cravings, inability to control the use of the substance, and continued use despite negative consequences. Addiction can affect people of any age, gender, or background and can manifest in many forms, from alcohol addiction to prescription drug abuse.

Substance misuse can cause physical and psychological damage, such as increased risk for disease, poor decision-making skills, relationship difficulties, financial problems, and decreased productivity. For family members and friends of the individual with the addiction, it can cause stress, frustration, guilt, loss of trust, fear of enabling behavior, and a lack of understanding. Addiction takes a toll on everybody involved and strains both personal and professional relationships.



Addiction can have a significant and damaging effect on marriages. When one partner is addicted to a substance or activity, it can put a strain on the spouse of an addict as well as the individual. It often increases tension, mistrust, and arguments in the marriage, and can lead to problems such as infidelity and physical abuse.

Addiction also affects communication between partners, as addiction can become the primary focus of conversations rather than other aspects of the relationship. Further, it often leads to financial problems for couples, since money tends to be diverted from things like bills to support the addiction. This lack of money can further strain marriages through feelings of resentment and blame.

Addiction has the power to destroy even the strongest marriages if left unchecked. It’s important to seek professional help if you or your spouse struggles to control addictive urges. Thankfully, our Portland addiction treatment center is here for you.


The struggles faced by the spouse of an addict can be deep and varied. Many spouses of addicts struggle with feelings of anger, sadness, guilt, and shame, as well as anxiety and fear. Spouses may feel betrayed because of the addict’s behavior and suffer from a lack of trust.

The spouse of an addict may also face financial difficulties due to the cost of addiction treatment or due to their partner’s inability to maintain a steady income. Spouses may also struggle with codependency issues such as enabling the addict’s behavior or trying to control them.

Many spouses feel isolated and alone in their struggle because they are often unaware of community resources available to them. There is a strong possibility of physical,



Helping a spouse in recovery can be a daunting, yet rewarding task. It takes patience, understanding, and support to help them get back on their feet.

Whether you’re supporting them on the path to sobriety or helping them manage their mental health, it’s important to be mindful of their needs and limitations and offer your assistance in whatever way possible. This could mean providing emotional support, attending therapy sessions with them or even being there for them as they progress.

With the proper guidance and support from family members, friends, counselors, and medical professionals, a spouse in recovery can overcome any obstacles they may encounter along the way.

Setting healthy boundaries when you are married to a recovering addict is important for both of you. It allows you to find a balance between being supportive and not enabling them to continue their addiction.

You should be honest with yourself and your partner about what you can and cannot handle, and communicate your needs to each other. This sets a healthy boundary that helps both of you focus on the recovery process. Respect your spouse’s recovery journey, but also ensure that they are not taking advantage of your support or compromising your mental health in the process.

Make sure to remind yourself that their recovery journey is their own and that it’s okay to set limits if necessary. Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask for help from professionals such as therapists or counselors if needed.

Practicing self-care strategies when you are married to a recovering addict is important for both of you. It’s important to take a break from the situation at times and focus on yourself. This can mean different things for different people, but some examples include setting aside time alone, exercising, speaking with friends or family, or participating in activities that make you feel relaxed and fulfilled.

Taking care of your own physical, emotional, and mental health needs will help you be better equipped to handle the difficulties of your spouse’s recovery journey. Additionally, it helps to stay informed about the recovery process so that you have a better understanding of what your loved one may be going through and how best to support them during this difficult time.

Managing difficult emotions when you are married to a recovering addict can be challenging and emotionally draining for both you and your partner. As they navigate through recovery, they may experience a range of emotions such as anger, guilt, fear, confusion, frustration, and sadness.

It’s important to remember that your spouse is going through a lot of changes and may be struggling with many of the same emotions. It can be helpful to talk openly about how you are feeling so that you can work together to find strategies that will help you manage these difficult emotions.

Managing these emotions could include finding healthy outlets for expressing your feelings (such as writing or talking it out with a trusted friend), engaging in regular self-care practices like exercise or doing something creative, and reaching out for professional telehealth counseling if necessary. With patience and understanding, managing these difficult emotions can become easier over time.

If you are the spouse of an addict, seeking professional help for yourself can be a great way to ensure that both of you are adequately supported during this time. Professional help can provide emotional support, guidance, and resources that will help you both to better understand the recovery process.

It can also provide a safe space to discuss any concerns you may have and strategies to cope with them. Additionally, it can help create an environment where honest communication and understanding can occur between you both for your relationship to grow stronger. Seeking out help for yourself is essential to ensure that your well-being is taken care of while simultaneously supporting your partner as they journey through recovery.


The road to recovery from addiction can be long and difficult, but having a supportive partner can make the journey much easier. Whether you are dealing with an addiction yourself or supporting your spouse in their recovery process, it is important to understand the dos and don’ts of being a supportive spouse during this time.

From understanding the importance of ongoing support and communication to recognizing when it’s time to get



If you are married to a recovering addict, it is important to provide them with a safe and supportive environment. Try to create an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding. Allow them the time and space they need to work through their recovery process. Listen carefully to their feelings and be available for emotional support.

Encourage them to attend regular addiction therapy sessions or support groups, as this can be a valuable source of help. Offer practical assistance whenever possible. For example, helping with housework or childcare if needed. Be patient and nonjudgmental while your partner goes through their healing journey.

Do Not


You should not pressure your spouse to make progress faster than they are comfortable with. You should also not minimize their emotions or experiences, even if you don’t understand them. Additionally, do not enable their destructive behavior or give in to any demands that could compromise their recovery journey.

Try to avoid taking on all the responsibility for your partner’s recovery. Allow them to take ownership of how they want to heal.



Here at Crestview Recovery, addiction treatment is available through a variety of services. We offer both residential and outpatient services to ensure individuals have the necessary support and resources to recover from addiction. We also offer aftercare programs and sober living options that help them stay sober over the long term.

Our residential treatment program provides a supportive and structured environment for individuals seeking recovery. In our residential program, your partner will benefit from round-the-clock care, personalized therapy sessions, group counseling, and holistic activities designed to address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction. Our experienced team of medical professionals and counselors will guide your partner through detoxification, therapy sessions, and skill-building workshops, helping them develop coping mechanisms to navigate life without substances. By immersing themselves in a therapeutic community, your partner will have the opportunity to focus solely on their recovery, away from triggers and stressors, fostering a strong foundation for long-term sobriety. Moreover, our program emphasizes family support, ensuring that you, as a spouse, are involved in the healing process, learning how to rebuild trust and strengthen your relationship.

For individuals dealing with dual diagnosis, our integrated dual diagnosis program is tailored to address both substance use disorders and underlying mental health issues. Through specialized therapy techniques and psychiatric support, we provide comprehensive care, recognizing the intricate interplay between addiction and mental health. By addressing both aspects simultaneously, we enhance the chances of successful recovery and equip individuals with the tools to manage their mental health challenges effectively, promoting overall well-being.

Our outpatient care option offers flexibility while ensuring effective treatment. It includes individual and group therapy sessions, counseling, and access to support networks. Outpatient rehab in Portland allows your partner to attend therapy sessions while maintaining their daily routines, making it ideal for those with mild to moderate addiction issues. This approach encourages gradual reintegration into society while receiving continuous therapeutic support, empowering individuals to apply their newly acquired skills in real-life situations.

Our sober living program provides a safe and supportive transitional environment for individuals who have completed residential treatment or intensive outpatient programs. In a structured, sober community, your partner will learn essential life skills, gain employment, and establish a strong sober support network. Sobriety is reinforced through regular drug testing, group therapy sessions, and peer accountability, ensuring a smooth transition into independent living while maintaining a focus on recovery.


Through our comprehensive treatment programs, we aim to not only help your partner achieve sobriety but also strengthen your relationship. By providing the necessary tools, support, and education, we empower both individuals and couples to heal, rebuild trust, and work towards a healthier, happier future together. Our family therapy program can help restore relationships and marriages suffering from addiction. This program surrounds those in recovery with loved ones who will motivate and encourage them through treatment.

If you or your spouse is interested in our services, feel free to contact us today!

Guide for the Spouse of an Addict

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