Group discussing core values to guide recovery

Core Values to Guide Recovery

Addiction is lonely, desolate, and dangerous when left untreated. People who depend on dangerous drugs can sometimes avoid an overdose, but the effects of certain drugs will eventually take their toll in the long run. No matter how far you’ve fallen, we want you to know that there is hope. Addiction treatment programs at Crestview…

Couple discussing signs of codependency

Identifying Signs of Codependency In Your Relationship

If you’re looking for ways to improve your mental health, then it’s important for you to think about forming healthy relationships. It’s crucial to have emotional support from family members and friends. Unfortunately, not every relationship is a healthy one. Unhealthy relationships may get in the way of your recovery process. Therefore, you need to…

insomnia during recovery

Dealing with Insomnia During Recovery

Being unable to sleep is one of the most frustrating dilemmas faced by people in early recovery. People who have become reliant on drugs and alcohol to fall asleep often find that sleep is impossible. Whether you are in a residential treatment center or even outpatient drug addiction therapy, insomnia is one of the main difficulties…