Man experiencing the effects of cocaine use

Effects of Cocaine Use

Cocaine is a schedule II drug that physicians occasionally prescribe for its stimulant properties. Users may abuse cocaine for its rapid-onset high, but there are also several adverse effects of cocaine. These effects are physical and psychological, and they can be both long and short-term. Do you need to know more about cocaine addiction rehab?…

Woman who knows how to quit drinking

How to Quit Drinking Safely

Wanting to quit drinking and knowing how to quit drinking are two very different things. While there are plenty of suggestions for people struggling with alcoholism, not all of those suggestions are helpful, effective, or even safe. Use this guide if you’re serious about fighting back against alcohol addiction and striving toward lifelong sobriety. Do…

A glass of purple drank that hints at the effects of purple drank

What Are the Effects of Purple Drank?

Purple drank, also known as “lean,” is both an addictive and harmful drug cocktail. It can lead to long-term dependency, dangerous behavioral changes, and significant side effects. While purple drank is commonly consumed in social settings, it is important to understand the main purple drank effects. Unlike other highly addictive and illegal drug habits, purple…

Man thinking about the history of drugs

History of Drugs

Many people think drug abuse and addiction are recent problems in human history. However, most common substances today, such as opioids, meth, and cocaine, have been around for over a century. The history of drugs expands back almost as far as human history, so it’s no wonder that drug epidemics and addictions are difficult for…

Woman deep in thought as she considers the myths about cocaine

3 Myths About Cocaine

Regular and heavy cocaine use causes diseases of the body, mind, and family. Medical consequences of long-term cocaine use include nasal perforation, rotting teeth, sexual dysfunction, heart attacks, and strokes. Psychological consequences of heavy cocaine use include insomnia, paranoia, loss of joy in things you love, impaired cognition, and depression. Family consequences of cocaine addiction…